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Steve Perry’s Dissertation: Heavy on Lit Review, Slight on Scholarship

May 18, 2013

As a classroom teacher, a real teacher– real in the sense of both my credentials and my experience– I am tired of those outside of the classroom catapulting themselves into positions of quick fame in order to comment on the state of the classroom– a place either completely unfamiliar to them firsthand or of only token familiarity. Such is the motivation for my writing many of my posts, and it is my motivation here as I write about Steve Perry.

Steve Perry is not a teacher. Yet he is one of many would-be reformers who has stepped up to claim his moment in the spotlight as an education expert– and one whose contempt for teachers is obvious.

Though not a teacher, Perry was a CNN education commentator, and he opened and leads his own school in Connecticut, Capitol Preparatory Magnet School, a year-round school that advertises sending “100% of its graduates to 4 year colleges.” The big question is one of student attrition prior to that senior year.

Perry quotes the rapper JZ* and says that “Men lie and women lie but numbers don’t.”

(*I have been reprimanded by an insulted reader that I did not correctly transcribe to “Jay-Z.” There is also a rapper JZ and a rapper JC. She accused me of lacking “scholarship.” I am sorry that someone could read this post and come away with only such a comment.)

I’m not a rapper. I’m a classroom teacher who is also a statistician and researcher, and I know full well that Perry has positioned his numbers to lie.

Of course, hiding the full story behind that sparkling “100%” is Perry’s lie. And it is Perry’s number. So perhaps JZ and I have tied on this one.

Beware of those Wonder Schools.

Beware of Wonder Teachers Educators.

Perry says “The achievement gap is really an educational gap in terms of the performance of our educators themselves.” []

Notice his words are not “educators ourselves.” He sees himself as the solution, and in reading about and listening to Perry, both his arrogance and foolishness are unmistakable.

When it suits him, Perry does refer to himself as an “educator,” not uncommon in this current environment where the reformer set hides their lack of teaching credentials and experience behind the word.

Like many reformers, Perry’s “bio” includes sketchy information regarding his credentials. He notes graduating “on a scholarship” from the University of Pennsylvania’s School of Social Work, but there is no mention of a degree level or a year. At the bottom of his self-promoting bio, Perry signs his name as “Dr. Steve Perry, MSW,” as if to showcase as many degrees in as unorthodox a manner as he can.

And how about that doctorate? What is it in? And why not feature such information in a bio about oneself?

In preparing for this post, I have been reading a number of articles written about Perry. One interesting piece is on Diane Ravitch’s blog. The comments section is particularly revealing concerning Perry’s reputation. However, it is the final comment (final as of the time I read) that held my attention:

What is Perry’s PhD in? Honorary degree from somewhere? Cannot find trail of his education, degrees or dissertation credentials. Any info?

Yesterday, it just so happened that I read Steve Perry’s dissertation, an Ed.D. in educational leadership from the University of Hartford:


It ought to embarrass the sole faculty member who signed off on it and the school that issued it.

The dissertation file document does include details of Perry’s education, including a BA in political science from the University of Rhode Island in 1992; a MSW focused upon social and economic development from the University of Pennsylvania’s School of Social Work in 1995, and this Ed.D. in educational leadership from the University of Hartford in 2008.

Political science. Social and economic development.

Not a teacher.

And after reading his dissertation:

Not a scholar.

A dissertation is meant to be a scholarly contribution to one’s field of study. It is meant to be a unique contribution, one that adds substantially to research in the selected field as determined by a faculty committee chiefly comprised of those who possess the expertise to critically appraise the candidate’s work. And it is meant to demonstrate the author’s suitability to be recognized as an expert scholar in a clear and defined academic specialty.

Steve Perry’s so-called “dissertation” accomplishes none of these goals and makes a mockery of academic rigor.

Perry has earned a “cereal box doctorate”: Buy the cereal; pull out the prize. That’s it.

Why am I being so hard on this former CNN “expert education commenter”? This “education expert” who on one hand says the problem is that professional educators “are not connecting” with students, but on the other, says, “If you don’t want to go to college, don’t go to Capitol Prep (Perry’s school). Go somewhere else”? This arrogant self-promoter who introduces himself on his website as “America’s Most Trusted Educator”?

His dissertation “contribution” amounts to nothing more than a self-reported six hours on the phone asking Upward Bound staff what they believe works; transcribing these interviews, and organizing responses into sets.  Period.

So much for “manning up” academically.

(Upward Bound is a federal program aimed at promoting college attendance among students from families with either low incomes or no previous members who have attended college.)

Here is what he chatted about with six people for one hour:

1. What are the staff’s reports of how they implemented the project components and services designed to prepare eligible high school students for attendance at four-year colleges?

2. What are the staff’s reports of the project practices that are most effective in preparing eligible high school students for attendance at four-year colleges?

3. What are the staff’s reports of the project practices that they perceive to be the most easily implemented in an urban high school in their service area?

I am hard pressed to believe that discussion of these three questions required more than 15 minutes per staff member.

Far from sufficient for a rigorous dissertation.

For Perry– well– I think it has served its purpose.

Congratulations, “Doctor” Perry.  Like a woman who agrees to get married for the diamond ring, you now get to refer to yourself as “doctor” for completing your University of Hartford program.  Based upon perusal of your website, I know that the title is very important to you.

Even your Twitter handle has that “Dr.”

Yes, his dissertation is a flimsy, rice-paper version of the real deal. But don’t believe that a self-important man like Perry is short on words. In his pseudo-diss, he wrote 176 pages.  Perry thinks he has a lot to say– only most of it pertains to the work others have accomplished. He is long-worded on a literature review of studies that clearly overwhelms his sad, slight, research “contribution.”

He calls his “dissertation” an “exploratory, qualitative case study of a single Upward Bound project” in which he “used a single, semi-structured telephone interview” of “six Upward Bound project staff.”

When I was working toward my doctorate (a bit more rigorous in its completion), doctoral students in the University of Northern Colorado College of Education had to defend choosing a qualitative dissertation against the idea that qualitative is “easier” than quantitative. I have heard fellow students comment, “I don’t like numbers, so I’ll ‘just’ do a qualitative dissertation.”

I do not advocate the view that a well-done qualitative dissertation is “easier” than a well-done quantitative one.

Whether qualitative or quantitative, a rigorous dissertation proposal adequately answers the question, “So what?” In other words, why bother conducting this study? What of substance or significance might this study contribute to the body of research in a given field? (Even though qualitative research involves emergent themes, the researcher should still be able to defend the value of the study.)

A well-done qualitative dissertation is often twice as long as a quantitative dissertation since the qualitative medium of research is the word. Thus, a rigorous qualitative dissertation can easily be 300 pages or longer. And there is much to “qualitative’; the general term encompasses numerous study designs, including but not limited to ethnography, grounded theory, phenomenology, narrative research, and case study.

In his “dissertation,” Perry notes that he has chosen the case study. But the question remains, ‘So what?” It is not as though there has not been a wealth of research conducted on Upward Bound. And with the modern reformer push for quantitative results, why would Perry not decide to at least conduct a mixed methods study, one that incorporates both quantitative and qualitative components? Perry even discusses the education reform movement as part of his literature review. In addition, Perry cites Yin, and Yin advises use of both quantitative and qualitative methods in case study research. And though he cites Creswell, Perry does not even follow advised case study methodology of collecting information from multiple sources, such as interview and observation. (Yin [as reported in Creswell] suggests collecting six types of information in conducting a case study: documents, archival records, interviews, direct observations, participant observations, and physical artifacts.) In rushing though data collection, Perry doesn’t even conduct multiple interviews of his six individuals.

Frankly, his research questions are too watery to warrant multiple interviews.

As for the other five types of information collected in a case study, Perry is without excuse.

In truth, the “case” in Perry’s “study” is neither unique enough nor substantial enough in its own right to stand alone as a study befitting the rigor due a doctoral dissertation.  If there were only a single, six-staff Upward Bound program in the entire United States, that would be arguably unique. If research on Upward Bound did not readily lend itself to quantitative questions, that too would warrant a qualitative study in order to discern potential emergent themes associated with Upward Bound. But such is not the case. And Perry’s attempt at a “qualitative study” amounts to little more than “How can I do this thing as quickly as possible?”

No wonder Perry, who likes to feature himself, chooses not to include his dissertation (or even his exact doctoral credentials) as a part of his “Look at me! I’m Steve Perry” website.

Perry’s entire “dissertation” is more of what rigorous researchers would consider a qualitative follow-up component to an absent quantitative study. In other words, what Perry presents as the entire train of his dissertation is sadly only the caboose to a research locomotive and associated cargo that never appear.

For the reasons I have written in the several paragraphs above, I would never have approved of Perry’s dissertation even in its proposal stage. But someone did approve: Diana LaRocco, an assistant professor who also holds an Ed.D. from the same University of Hartford. No other signature was required on Perry’s dissertation.

This is not rigor, folks. But it is $650 per credit hour to the University of Hartford.

As for Perry’s doctoral program: The University of Hartford offers a doctorate in educational leadership that it advertises as a 63-semester-credit-hour program for “mid-career adult learners,” though the numbers don’t quite add up. Anywhere from 21 to 24 hours are associated with the dissertation. A student could complete this program in two years, including summers.

For the sake of comparison, let me add that my doctoral program of 120 transcripted semester-credit hours at the University of Northern Colorado took four full years for me to complete, including summers. My dissertation, a quantitative dissertation, is 180 pages and is signed as approved by five university faculty, including the dean of the graduate school.

As for Perry’s recommendations based upon his conversations with six Upward Bound staff (I have abbreviated them for the sake of space):

1. Implement group and one-on-one activities to foster supportive relationships.

2. Restructure high schools to be smaller to offer opportunities for students to establish caring relationships.

3. Other researchers should replicate this study using additional methods and a larger sample.

4. Staff need to focus on deliberate, sustained efforts to support student college-bound mindset.

5. Organize school so that daily schedule mandates that teachers have time to meet with students and communicate with families.

6. Future research should be conducted using additional methods and a larger sample.

7. Provide students with yearlong academic supports.

8. Increase the length of the high school year to include a summer component.

9. Conduct cost benefit analysis on extending the school year.

Notice that twice Perry advocates redoing the study with additional methods and a larger sample. HE could have done the study with additional methods and a larger sample. With a larger Upward Bound staff sample (which exists had he pursued it), Perry could have incorporated both qualitative and quantitative components to his study. But he also would have had to be sure that his study provided a unique and substantial contribution above and beyond that of the existing Upward Bound research.

Perry cut corners and chose not to conduct the study that he advocates “other” researchers conduct.

Perry also advocates positions popular in educational reform, including the small schools” effort that Gates both championed and abandoned, and the extension of the school year (which he follows with a cost benefit analysis– which should be done prior to implementation).

Perry does not consider the cost– financial and otherwise– of his other ideas, including the cost of the “yearlong academic supports”; the “mandated staff-student meeting time,” and even the “group and one-on-one activities.”

I am left wondering what it is about Perry’s dissertation that makes it worthwhile.

I can think of nothing.

But it did get him that “doctor” title….

  1. HA Hurley permalink

    AKA dr?Steve Perry?
    Sounds like the One & Only?
    Or, someone just like him.
    Dr.Steve has such a cooshy job, financially very profitable, lots of attention – which he thrives on, and he gets to play an expert on TV.
    After all, this is America. If people are willing to pay for it, he can do it.

  2. Mr B. permalink

    You individuals need to get a life and find something constructive with your time to do. It’s pure insanity and very infantile for you so-called “Ph.Ds” to conduct yourselves in this manner and bash this man. Who are you to judge, criticize, and condemn? Almighty God? Absolutely not!

    • You know what is funny? YOU just judged “you so-called Ph.Ds” in writing this comment!

      Isn’t that GREAT??

      I will not go so far as to call you god.

      • Regina permalink

        My issue is that he is not being truthful about his school and what is going on in public education. I am in the trenches trying to help our students who live in urban areas. There are far too many people making fast money and getting fame off of the education crisis. He is in it for students or self. We need leaders who are fighting for our children.

      • Ebony in Ojai permalink

        Clearly you only value people who RUN schools, not the people who work in them doing the actual TEACHING. In that way you are much like your demagogue ‘Dr.’ Perry. That much is clear because, still, even when I attempted to correct you gently, you again showed you cannot tell the different between YOUR and YOU’RE. How embarrassing for you and the charter you run. I have emails written by Steve Perry that would embarrass everyone who ever gave him a job or a platform to spew his bs.

        Who I am is very transparent. I have never attempted to hide who I am and my critiques of fake, self-promoting ‘ed-reformers’ who couldn’t pass a pass a PRAXIS II test or a GRE if their credentials depended on it.

      • I figured because you’re the genius, you wonder understand I could care less what you think or your instructions. Yes I run a school. Everybody is not held responsible for everything. But I’m sorry, you would have no idea about that. Whatever lady. Go do your job and teach. We’re done here. Bless

      • Ebony in Ojai permalink

        “As a former Army Ranger, I am positive I know how to lead any organization.” Oh, well as a teacher, maybe I should approach the Army and ask them to let me lead Rangers. You think they’ll be game? After all, I have lead a classroom and leadership is leadership, right?

      • Rangers can do anything. I have taught on the college level and teach life skills, budgeting and personal finance as I did prior. Still don’t see the point here. I probably never will and I’m ok with that.

      • Ebony in Ojai permalink

        ‘Your so smart until you are supremely ignorant.’

        So you believe no matter what work a student does, they should pass? Is that how you got out of high school without knowing the difference between YOU’RE and YOUR? I should hope a teacher would have failed me along the way if I couldn’t master that basic grammar rule.

      • I love knowing where people like you are. Bitter, useless folks thinking they should be more than they are. You’re a sad individual but nothing that’s a surprise to any of us. I should be embarrassed for what? Learn who I am and what I have done then come talk to me. Grow up and finally get a life. Sorry I have a school to run and quite a few to manage. Happy blog hunting. Smh

  3. Joel Erby permalink

    I would be interested to see you in a “scholarly” engaging debate about what he does and is doing from “Doctor Perry”. Often times, we find ourselves finding fault, but offer no solutions. it appears based on your blog, that you have a better answer for how to educate our students. It appears as if most people agree with everything that you say on here, but yet not one person offered a solution to fix our education crisis.I believe his role is more of a superintendent than principal and often times they are rarely in a building on a day to day basis. Also, he doesn’t need permission to stay or travel…He is the founder of the damn school…

    Instead of bashing people, by not giving people an opportunity to defend or explain themselves really shows that you have a different agenda than what educational needs are best for all students. I implore you to do research on educational goals and topics that are conducive to students learning in urban environments and how their communities and resources affect the process…

    • Perry is a fraud.

      • E in Inwood permalink

        Indeed, the SAT scores at his school are way less than impressive. Pretty much all college bound kids take the SAT in the U.S. If Perry is going to insist that test scores matter and that teachers are to blame… how does he explain why very few of his kids even crack 500 (national average) on any part of the test…

        Click to access High-School-Profile.pdf

      • Joel Erby permalink

        If his Doctoral degree was a fraud…Don’t you think the university would have checked that by now…it is 6 years later…?? Ijs… Based on your critique, you are discrediting the University of Hartford by saying that they just “passed” him through…

      • Being a fan of kids, working with the kids very few people truly can and want to teach, I’m interested in why this guy is a fraud. Can you expound upon that a little?

  4. H.A. Hurley permalink

    I have been at this for a long time and I have never seen a dissertation committee of ONE, and only ONE signature on a dissertation! His dissertation was a Fluff Piece which would never have been approved at a reputable university. Read Deutsch 29 in detail about Dr? Steve.
    Hartford Schmartford…they apparently approved it. He is their finest graduate, just ask him. Doesn’t say much about their Coll of Ed and the university. I would not want to be associated with this institution if they knew about the Fluff & ONE person committee. If they didn’t know at the time…much has been written about Light Weight Dr? Steve. They had plenty of time.

  5. Tommy C permalink

    Awesome information…thank you! I saw “Dr. Perry” at a conference recently and thought he was a very convincing speaker. But, I never gave his educational background much thought until I was directed to your blog-site and read about his quasi-Ed.D. I hold a Ph.D. in political science from Colorado State University and I can state unequivocally that Steve Perry would have never earned a terminal degree from my alma mater. What a sham…

    • H.A. Hurley permalink

      Dr. Tommy C.
      He can sell snake oil to many. Street smarts and BS skills galore!
      His dissertation was probably not even permitted at his institution, giving them benefit of doubt. Even the diploma mills require several signatures of committees. Even if one person adds several names. His dissertation was neither original research, nor added any valuable research to the field.
      Just BS! His insistence for anyone to call him Dr. appears to be of someone who tries too hard or has a fake degree. Either way it is just for show!

  6. So I have a BS in Psychology and in March 2015 I will have my MBA. I will then pursue my PhD in Business. But my point is, after mentoring for 20 years and seeing people believe it’s the educational system…that’s incorrect, I founded a school (Garden City Preparatory Academy for Boys).

    I am not in education so I went out and hired a friend of 30 years that has 18 years of educational experience. 8 of those years as an administrator and 10 years in the trenches teaching. I am a disabled veteran because I got off my but to defend this country and now I’m trying to save it. I am the executive director because I have 12 years business management experience.

    No I’m not claiming to have a Dr. in front of my name but when I complete this PhD program I will! Getting this charter was not easy but it wasn’t rocket science. I was one of 7 school leaders awarded a charter in the state of South Carolina for the upcoming school year. Never been a teacher..,but I know how to manage them.

    I think if the article is only to uncover he is not a legitimate Dr., then chat on. But if this is about if he is an effective school leader and is he doing the job of educating the kids of his school…then he is doing a bang up job! See what I learned in my 3 1/2 years of research to start our school is, it takes passion.

    There were 35 experienced teachers and administrators trying to get a charter and got denied. Why? Because they think it’s about them and their credentials. The most effective school leaders are those who can convince kids to trust them and their leadership. Rants about titles, teachers and even the education system is not it.

    I was given a 1% chance to get this charter by the department of education and I told them then that was plenty. Now that we got it, it’s time to show boys that are given the same percentages to success., South Carolina’s first single gender public school in the states history.

  7. missy permalink

    For YEARS, any of us who knew Steve from his Outward Bound days, didn’t ‘t know if we should
    laugh or cry when he began as an “expert” on educational issues and later on “Save My Son”. Thanks for the comedies!!

  8. Guest permalink

    “Here we go again” was the reaction of education expert Steve Perry about the Ferguson incident.
    CNN still believes him to be an expert I guess

  9. Pica permalink

    Thanks. I was considering implementing one of his reading centers. I spoke with his publicist who seemed more interested in elevating me to some kind of celebrity status through the program. Then I saw a photo of him with Koch Industries in the background. It gave me pause for cause. So glad I decided to do some research.

    • Ebony in Hartford permalink

      Could you tell us a bit more? ‘Implementing one of his reading centers’ where? In a public school? Is he selling literacy packages? As far as I know, Perry has no expertise in literacy nor is he credentialed in any K-12 discipline.

  10. James permalink

    All I can say is WOW!!! Actually I have a lot more to say when it comes to how Steve Perry is portrayed in this article as someone unequipped to give educational advice and make educational decisions. Four years ago I got my first job in education as a Special Education Paraprofessional. I was supervised directly by someone with a Masters in SPED and indirectly by the district’s SPED coordinator who had a doctoral degree. In the time I was in that position I never received ANY type of training related to my position from my supervisor or the school district. Thankfully I was taking SPED related classes at the time because I was in school full-time and minored in SPED.
    I quickly realized that some of those licensed individuals with appropriate credentials as teachers were in fact the furthest thing from what I considered a teacher to be. Once again not ALL but SOME of these people should never have been allowed in a classroom for various reasons yet there they were. Every day I had to walk into their classrooms and provide support for students who just like me did not want to be there. It was not because the student’s disliked the subject matter it was because of how it was being delivered and the lack of student engagement.
    I realized that acronyms behind a person’s name did not make them qualified to be in a classroom, yes those teachers graduated from college and passed state based requirements to become “teachers” but they were the furthest thing from a teacher in my opinion.
    Opinions are like …. everyone has one.. I have never met Dr. Steve Perry but I have read “Push Has Come to Shove” and watched his speeches on YouTube. I used to watch one of his 2012 IRA Keynote Address when I was frustrated with the school district where I worked as a paraprofessional.
    I refuse to join the professional lynch mob that article is trying to gather against Dr. Perry. This is what I know based upon the articles and books I have read, the interviews and speeches I watched related to Dr. Perry and textbooks I read during my undergraduate and now graduate program. Steve Perry understands what it takes to make students successful; I see a man full of passion, dedication, and a resolve to get the job done no matter what the obstacle. As a young teacher (not by physical age but by length of service) I want to be employed by someone with the same level of passion, someone who has high expectations, someone who can FIRE a worthless teacher and REPLACE them with someone who is truly passionate about teaching.
    It is true that in every school district in this country there are teachers who we know should not be in the profession teaching our future and yet there is little that can be done because of contracts,unions,and due process. These teachers blame the students instead of finding ways to connect, these teacher stick to state mandated lesson structures when they know their students are not understanding the material. True teachers find ways to teach, true teachers affect change, it is not about the acronyms behind their name, it is about their individual affect they have on those they are teaching.
    I could care less if Dr. Steve Perry isn’t a “certified teacher” because what he has done and is doing is far greater than many who are “certified teachers”. In regards to whether his “doctoral degree” is fluffed or not he received it and once again, not all colleges and universities have the same requirements. My undergraduate degree when compared to others who graduated from prestigious colleges and universities may fail in comparison but that does not negate the positive impact I have on my students because I get what they need.
    Steve Perry understands this and instead of trying to discredit him based upon acronyms he should be embraced due to the successes of the student’s at his school.

    • rastamick permalink

      Ha ha ha ha well written Dr. Steve

    • Kenneth E George permalink

      “…by the successes of the student’s at his school.” !!! You received your grammatical and punctuation training where, please, James? I would not put you through the seventh grade.

      • Why are we throwing all of these nasty and negative comments to and fro? Where is the professionalism? Dr. Perry is very accessible so why not sit and talk to him. That’s what a true professional would do. Why are we doing this? Really? On a post? I just can’t with this. Wow!

      • Ebony in Ojai permalink

        Oh, I am ready to address Dr. Perry anytime and anyplace. I will be just as professional to him as he was to all the folks who worked for him at Capital Prep. Lots of the teachers he attacked professionally have gone on to fine careers elsewhere at the kinds of schools he could only dream of founding.

  11. My question to everyone here is, why do you need to be a teacher to lead teachers? Leaders are not specific to an industry. Leaders are specific to leadership. What’s suppose to be so difficult about leading an organization that you should be proficient at every job in your organization. That is a very elementary statement and nullifies a part of your argument because it lacks validity.

    I founded a charter school myself and I have been a mentor for 20 plus years of boys and men, I have taught public speaking and business classes, I have over 15 years in business and finance leadership and I founded the first single gender public school in the state of South Carolina and I am not a traditional classroom teacher.

    I have lead over 250 associates within an organization so I’m failing to understand why someone is not qualified to lead a school because they are not a classroom teacher. I am involved daily in every class in the building and I am a substitute teacher in the school. I communicate and empower our teachers with resources, trainings and open meetings. I allow everyone the opportunity to be included in how we run the school.

    As a former Army Ranger, I am positive I know how to lead any organization. No I’m not saying Dr. Perry has the same background or training I have, but I am making the point that you don’t have to have a classroom teacher background to run a successful school. Our school has a ninety two percent poverty rate, eighty one percent single parent lead household answer are an all boys school. Middle school if you can believe that!

    Your bone to pick with Dr. Perry is your bone to pick with him. But I just didn’t want anyone believing if your not a former teacher you can’t lead a school. That’s not true. We can be just as effective as anyone who started as a certified teacher. I took four years and studied education and where the gaps and problems are. I learned the needs of the teachers and the students. How do I motivate everyone to be successful?

    No educator help me write our charter. I wrote all three hundred pages of it myself. I did the research and put it together because I wanted to know all of the ends and outs. The Department of Education approved us and six other schools out of forty three. Twenty five of those charters not approved by the Department of Education, were written and lead by educators.

    Am I all knowing, of course not. I learn from teachers, superintendents and principals all the time. I care about all seventy of the boys we have this year (six and seventh graders) so we continue to evolve in our second year. I hope you finally get to meet him and debate some of your theories and his work. I just began my doctoral work at Northeastern University this year. Hopefully in three years you guys can toss mine around for debate. Take care and forgive any errors. I’m on my phone.

    • sethkahn permalink

      I’m sorry, but that’s a serious red herring of an argument. Of course somebody can “lead” other people. Whatever that means. The problem is that he spends many of his waking hours proclaiming his expertise _about something he’s never done before_, AND claiming that people who do it every day know less than he does. The arrogance it takes to believe that is overwhelming. The even more arrogance it takes to turn yourself into a media figure spouting that kind of nonsense is incalculable.

      You sound like a reasonable person. If you run a school and actually listen seriously to your teachers, you’re doing it better than Steve Perry.

      • You’re correct. I will listen to them everyday because it’s about the students and especially our students. Our teachers love coming to work and getting in the “think tank” to collaborate and evolve ideas. We even get together on the weekend just to talk. I’m sorry if the teachers felt that way in his school. I can’t say with any certainty so I won’t say anything about the school he ran. We will keep working

    • Ebony in Ojai permalink

      “No educator help me write our charter.” Oh? Really? I am shocked you don’t know how to conjugate a past tense verb.

      “But I just didn’t want anyone believing if your not a former teacher you can’t lead a school.” Well, you surely don’t know the difference between YOUR and YOU’RE. Maybe you should have consulted some teachers. I would love to read the charter you wrote.

      Who runs the American Medical Association? A doctor. Who heads the American Nursing Association? A nurse. Who runs the American Bar Association? A lawyer. Who runs the National Governors Association? A governor. Who runs the Society of Professional Journalists? Who runs The National Police and Troopers Association? Shall I go on?

      • Your an educator? Which school do you run again? I’ll wait…

      • Sam permalink

        There are plenty of organizations that are not educationally specific. Many social workers and I/O consult and or own consulting organizations for major companies.

        So please…just stop.

    • H.A.Hurley permalink

      Kevin, quit now! Let it go!
      Go infiltrate the medical field and play a doctor, a dentist, a neurosurgeon… Leave teaching and schools to Real Educators.
      Please don’t answer this…thou doth
      protests too much!
      Good luck!

      • Your arrogance and ignorance is on a whole other level. It’s hilarious to me. But when you get a school, when you employ teachers and administrators, when you have no students flunking or getting suspended let me know. Your so smart until you are supremely ignorant.

  12. Sam permalink

    It is very unfortunate that you have a need to to dissmantle and or compare your degree to his. Why tear someone down who is attempt to do the right thing?

    Western education is very diverse in regards to the degrees offers, however, many individuals are under the assumption that being a “Ph.d” is more elite than an “Ed.d” in education. He has advertised himself as an educator, in which he is, his education has been applied to the real world and has helped an at risk population.

    Hate him or love him, he is doing great work. Your negativity serves as an inspirational testimony to anyone who has been unfairly scrutinized due to finding their own way. Keep it coming, you will add to a legacy of greatness.

    • HA Hurley permalink

      Sam, I have the hardest time defending Dr? Perry’s degree representing an education, esp. at the doctoral level. He shystered his way to that degree & he knows it. Not even the lowest minimum standards at any reputable institution.
      His little bitty “work” done to get his EdD is laughable. He should have just bought a fake diploma like so many liars do. Degree is BS!
      His MOUTH works best for him…he has sold snake oil to desperate and well meaning people. Don’t buy a used car from this man.

      • Sam permalink

        How did he “shyster” his way to a degree. All of the Institution’s he has attended are reputable and accredited. Unless there is something I do not know about these institution’s, if so, please enlighten me?

        As far as what you term “little bitty work”, if he has met the graduate standard who are you to judge? Plus he has since grown from his graduate days. Additionally, the Ed.D. is a terminal practice based degree, it would be very rare that any true career altering research would take place at this level. To compare it to Ph.D. in education is very small minded and truly shows a lack in good educational research.

        However, upon his graduation, he has written books and is a headmaster at his own school, it seems to me that his “little bitty work” has served him well. It is very sad that such a witch hunt is going on, if you see holes in his research/practice, approach him as a fellow scholar or create your own program. However, if you lack interest in both alternatives, you my friend are stone thrower who must dwell within an iron house…

      • HA Hurley permalink

        Sam, Perry has been written about for years. Any ethical educator has major problems with this opportunist. I do not plan to rewrite all criticism listed in this post or onTwitter.
        He is not worth the time – he is just like all the profiteers hovering above poor children, participating in the exploitation of poor families, and the privatization of public schools.
        Add it all up, he’s a SHYSTER parading around as a highly qualified educator.
        Sam, give it up, unless you are …. Dr?Perry.

      • Sam permalink

        Give up? I do not know what that means, especially coming from someone who is unable to marshal any evidence outside of personal dislike. You did not answer any of my points, you only attack Dr.Perry, that is a logical fallacy my friend. No man or woman is God, therefore, we are imperfect, I am sure everything you say or do can not be agreed upon by a majority. I am also sure you would hate for somonee to call your hard earned credentials “small” or even “minor”

        Dr.Perry is one of many freedom fighters for the urban neighborhood. If you do not like him, then create a school or produce applied research that can aid this population. Fight not with your words, but produce some action.

  13. Thelma permalink

    U a hater

  14. Sean Perry permalink

    What’s funny about this is it’s all true. Do you know at a family funeral he had his name listed as the speaker as Dr. Steve Perry, at a family funeral. As if no one knew who he was. The arrogance is laughable and we actually laugh at him.

    Is origin story is misleading. Yes, he and his mother live in public housing but he spent most of his time at his grandparents house in a middle to upper middle class neighborhood. He was not fatherless. His father was there for him and he would see him on the weekends like many children of divorced parents. He’s also not an only child. He has 4 siblings. Oh and there’s so much more. He manipulated the truth to make the world fell bad for him. It’s a shame really.

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