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“Fund for Louisiana’s Future” is a DC Super PAC Devoted to David Vitter

October 27, 2015

Somehow, I have ended up on the email list for “Fund for Louisiana’s Future” (FFLF).

It is a Washington, DC-based Super PAC that supports David Vitter by bashing his opponents.

This PAC apparently produces no ads telling voters why they should vote for Vitter, only ads trying to damage the reputations of anyone running against him.

For the October 24, 2015, Louisiana governor’s race, FFLF paid for ads against Vitter’s Republican competition, Scott Angelle and Jay Dardenne. (For excellent background on FFLF and its ads against Angelle and Dardenne, see this September 14, 2015, post by Louisiana blogger, Cenlamar.)

As might be expected, since Vitter is in a runoff against Democrat John Bel Edwards, FFLF has started running attack ads against Edwards.

That was the purpose of the email that FFLF sent to me today: Nothing to justify voting for Vitter.

However, the great advantage of having FFLF pay for these ads is that FFLF can say that it is “not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.” Thus, FFLF has managed to be a Vitter campaign funnel without having to directly state that its purpose is to promote Vitter’s political career.

Based upon its Louisiana Ethics Administration filings, FFLF was created in January 2013 and has been collecting millions apparently for the sole purpose of supporting Vitter. FFLF does not declare that it was created to promote a single candidate, but it has been just collecting money for over two and a half years until the October 2015 Louisiana governor’s race.

Vitter will have lots of money to use to advertise his own merits try to undercut his opponent. However, Vitter’s history cannot be rewritten no matter how many negative ads he (or his Super PAC associates) concocts against Edwards.

(For a great analysis on the Edwards-Vitter runoff, see Louisiana political historian Robert Mann’s take.)

The Vitter campaign against Edwards promises to be a test of Louisiana voters’ thinking through Vitter’s major-moneyed efforts to undercut Edwards long enough to ask, “Do I really want Vitter as governor of Louisiana?”

Not. For. A. Moment.

For more on Vitter’s sad crawl into the November 21, 2015, runoff election, see this October 26, 2015, Salon article entitled, “David Vitter Lurches Toward a Humiliating Defeat: A Record of Scandal and Hypocrisy Finally Catches up to Him,” and this October 27, 2015, Atlantic article, entitled, “David Vitter’s Long-Delayed Political Punishment.”


Edwards, Vitter.  WDSU-TV , 10-01-15


Schneider is a southern Louisiana native, career teacher, trained researcher, and author of the ed reform whistle blower, A Chronicle of Echoes: Who’s Who In the Implosion of American Public Education.

She also has a second book, Common Core Dilemma: Who Owns Our Schools?, published on June 12, 2015.

both books

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One Comment
  1. Dan Granfors permalink

    I pray that you are right, Mercedes; but I fear that the ease with which the BESE seats were bought on Oct. 24th, only indicates the usual vacuous gullibility of LA voters. Scandal and hypocrisy seem to be political assets here.

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