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NYC Billionaire Pres Candidate Michael Bloomberg Has Been Pumping $$ into La. Elections for Years.

November 25, 2019

Billionaire and former New York City mayor, Michael Bloomberg has entered the 2020 presidential race in hopes to secure the Democratic nomination.

Bloomberg, whose estimated worth is $54B and who says he will not accept campaign contributions, is a man who is used to buying what he wants, even in elections in other states.

In NYC, where schools are under mayoral control, Bloomberg promoted school choice, and he now purchases school choice around the countryincluding in Louisiana where Bloomberg has taken a particular interest in school board elections.

An additional layer to Bloomberg’s money-toss into Louisiana school board elections includes Bloomberg’s connection to Louisiana state superintendent, John White.

During Bloomberg’s time as NYC mayor, White was a deputy chancellor of education immediately prior to his arrival in Louisiana, and immediately prior to his rapid ascent from Recovery School District (RSD) superintendent to Louisiana state superintendent.

That rapid ascent required a favorable 2011 state ed (BESE) board– which Bloomberg helped to purchase.

Retaining White also required a favorable 2015 BESE– which Bloomberg also helped purchase.

Below is a comprehensive listing of Bloomberg’s donations to influence Louisiana elections to date, totaling over $1.6M:

There you have it, Louisiana:

A vote for billionaire Michael Bloomberg is a vote for a school-choice purchase that includes the likes of John White.


Michael Bloomberg


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Want to read about the history of charter schools and vouchers?

School Choice: The End of Public Education? 

school choice cover  (Click image to enlarge)

Schneider is a southern Louisiana native, career teacher, trained researcher, and author of two other books: A Chronicle of Echoes: Who’s Who In the Implosion of American Public Education and Common Core Dilemma: Who Owns Our Schools?. You should buy these books. They’re great. No, really.

both books

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  1. Lance Hill permalink

    Great research, Mercedes. Billionaires are another invasive species in Louisiana, like formosan termites and nutria.

  2. I guess he figures if people are dumb enough to vote for a fake billionaire, they’ll be dumb enough to vote for a fake democrat.

  3. Laura H. Chapman permalink

    I agree with Lance. I hope your report is circulated far and wide and that comparable reports from many states are in the works.

  4. Ira Shor permalink

    Very important research here, many thanks. Bloomberg forced a 3rd term as mayor of NYC after voters here had voted TWICE for term limits of 8-years. Bloomberg silenced critics b/c he could finance a competitor to outpoll them.

  5. Cheryl Consonni permalink

    Not good.

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  1. Murmuration: Emma Bloomberg’s Obscure Nonprofit. | deutsch29

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