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That Trump Bible

March 31, 2024

Nothing speaks to genuine Christianity like Donald Trump (“grab ’em by the p*ssy” Donald Trump, found-liable-for-rape Donald Trump, “If you do something bad, never, ever blame yourself” Donald Trump…) peddling his own bible, which includes a Constitution that he is willing to divorce (and perhaps even bury on the grounds of one of his golf courses for a tax break).

Donald’ Trump’s favorite bible verse:

“[Dead air]”

Though the March 26, 2024, New York Times billed this bible as Trump’s “newest venture,” the “God Bless the USA” bible pre-Trump-hawk has been around (and swirling in controversy) since HarperCollins pulled out from publishing it in May 2021:

The “God Bless the USA Bible” is still happening even though HarperCollins Christian Publishing passed on serving as the manufacturer for the project inspired by country music singer Lee Greenwood’s patriotic hit. 

The “God Bless the USA Bible,” announced earlier this month, has received some pushback for sandwiching the sacred text and America’s founding documents between two covers.

Hugh Kirkpatrick, who leads the Tennessee company behind the new custom Bible backed by Greenwood, said he could not disclose just yet who they are working with now, but Elite Source Pro is lining up another business to print and bind the tome. …

The specialty Bible, which can be pre-ordered for $49.99, will still include copies of the Bill of Rights, U.S. Constitution, Declaration of Independence and Pledge of Allegiance and the chorus “God Bless the USA.” …

HarperCollins Christian Publishing, which includes Zondervan and Thomas Nelson publishing groups, is the North American licensor for the NIV (New International Version) translation. Zondervan decided not to move forward with the project and Thomas Nelson is not involved either.  …

Kirkpatrick said he’s fielded about 70 emails since the Bible’s announcement and roughly 60% have been critical of the project. He did not expect the “God Bless the USA Bible” to draw such frustrated and aggravated responses. 

In March 2022, Lee Greenwood announced partnering with Kirkpatrick’s Elite Source Pro to publish the “limited edition God Bless the USA bible.”

Then, it seems the effort went quiet for a couple of years, until Trump attached himself to yet another merchandise item in his desperation for cash, cash and more cash.

In 2024, one can purchase the “God Bless the USA” bible for $10 more than its 2021 pre-order, pre-Trump price (even though the version has been changed from the licensed NIV to the unlicensed King James version, which is in the public domain).

MSNBC host Joy Reid has a lot to say about Trump’s bible hawking, including a brief but accurate description of the Easter story, which is far more than the hawker could say about his selling his “favorite book, ” one that he “has many” of just laying around the house:

More about the sale from 12 News Now– a Youtube ad which when I first watched it, began with an appeal from Trump for help paying his legal bills:

So, where’s the money going?

On Lee Greenwoood’s site, where one can purchase the “God Bless the USA” bible, among the Frequently Asked Questions is the following:

CIC Ventures, LLC, uses Trump’s name, license, and image, which means that a way for Trump to make money from bible sales is to receive a portion of proceeds from each sale. According to Trump’s 2023 financial disclosures as a candidate for President of the United States, Donald Trump is the “manager, president, secretary, and treasurer” from “02/21 to present.”

On the Dispatch newsletter, Boiling Frogs, staff writer Nick Catoggio offers this sentiment in his March 27, 2024, piece, “The True Faith”:

The “Trump Bible” plays like a parody of the dichotomy. It’s obviously being marketed to political radicals, the sort of Christians who’ll relish the word of God just a little bit more knowing that this version of it has been blessed by Donald Trump. And it’s just as obviously mercenary to a ludicrous degree, a remorseless cash grab even by the usual Trump standards. If he’s going to hawk nationalist Bibles to his evangelical fans at 60 bucks a pop, he might as well go for the big money and start selling MAGA-branded golden calves.

I’ll end here.

Happy Easter.


  1. Christine Langhoff permalink

    Happy Easter to you, Mercedes.

    Here’s a chuckle or two – I find laughter helps.

    Saturday Night Live has a bit of familiarity with The Donald.

    • Christine, I actually watched this cold open right before I began writing my post. 🙂

      • Christine Langhoff permalink

        Great minds think alike.

  2. Jack Hassard permalink

    Thank you, Mercedes. Your thoughts are important. Trump is a propagandist, a fascist, and blight on homo sapiens. These ideas are described by Dr Ruth Ben-Ghiat on her Lucid site on Substack. All the best. Happy Easter. Jack

  3. H. B. permalink

    I find it interesting that the advertisement above lists as included the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights (amendments 1-10) but does not mention the other amendments such as the 14th (prohibiting insurrectionists from holding office) and the 22nd (no one can serve more than two terms as president). I am not ordering the Bible to see if all of the amendments to the Consititution are actually included or not, so I don’t know whether the listing had an oversight or if indeed those pesky amendments are being omitted. Just seems like a curious Freudian slip to me.

  4. He raped no one. Even that looney that sued him said he did not rape her in the traditional sense of the word. And the grab them by the pussy comment was meant to elaborate on the fact that there ARE women out there that will let you do anything just to bed down with a rich and powerful man. If the truth hurts them women need to stop selling themselves to the rich and powerful men. So he promotes a Bible. The real Bible that sat on his desk in his office for decades before he ran for President was his mother’s cherished Bible. A friend of mine (not a Trump fan) that had business dealings with Trump said he saw the Bible sitting on Trump’s desk in NYC. So that is verified. He also said that Trump was a man of his word. If he made a promise/deal he kept his word. He and his wife raised children that do not take drugs, drink or gamble. They know the meaning of hard work. Can’t say that for Biden or many other rich and powerful people. 

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