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I Am Louisiana Course Choice, And I Enroll Without Parental Consent

May 12, 2013

There’s money to be made in education, and I am here to get mine.

I am a Louisiana Course Choice provider. Despite the initial, November 2012 state ruling of unconstitutionality regarding my receiving MFP funding for offering Course Choice, and despite the fact that Jindal and White have no other BESE-approved plan in place for paying me, it is full speed ahead and I am approved.

I have access to student data via John White’s shady “partnership” with data storage “nonprofits” such as InBloom, organized and funded by Murdoch and Gates.

Even though I am not supposed to have them, I do have access even to social security numbers.

And, as an “approved” provider, I am allowed to solicit students for enrollment in my courses. I can go into neighborhoods and sign students up on my computer. I can run ads on Craigslist for “sales reps” to sell courses. And I can offer enrollees a free computer as incentive to enroll.

You see, Louisiana Course Choice is a business venture. The bottom line is what matters.

And it gets better for me:

I can sign up children without school or even parental consent. And it is up to the LDOE to inform principals who is enrolled and for principals to contact me to unenroll students.

No one is monitoring me. I can enroll students for any course I like, even courses that don’t make sense, like elementary courses for high school students. I am solely responsible for reporting that the student “attended.” And on my word, I collect the money. I can do as I like for three years, without penalty. If students don’t perform well on standardized tests after “taking” my course, the penalty goes to the home school.

What money? you may ask.  After all, didn’t the Louisiana Supreme Court just declare that I cannot collect MFP money, that such is meant for the public schools?

White initially proposed a softer, looser 2013-14 MFP formula for legislative approval.  But now, Jindal and White have an opportunity to play with MFP again since the 2013-14 BESE-approved MFP must be reworked given the court’s ruling.  And he seems to end up with surplus money from underbidding contracts.

Besides all this, Jindal has promised to shave off some budget money to fund “choice.”  One way to do so is to remove voucher students from school enrollment and divert what would have been MFP to the general fund. Sure, I’m not a voucher program, but White and Jindal are very good at shady schemes.

Ask those in charge. I am still good to go.

If Jindal and White have their way, I will get paid. And I am in a better position than under-regulated charters, for I am virtually invisible, even more so that White’s network leaders.

So, what could stop me?

Parents contacting their children’s schools to go on record before the fact as saying they do not want their children enrolled in Course Choice. Written, dated, and signed correspondence on file with the school and copied to the Course Choice program at the LDOE.

Parents contacting their legislators regarding this mass fraud in the works.

Parents contacting their legislators saying that they do not want public school funding diverted to the general fund for the purpose of funneling money to Course Choice.

Yeah. Parental action could be my undoing.

    • Linda permalink

      That is very bizarre and cyber freaky. How are children being signed up without their knowledge or their parents? What is the purpose of this fraudulent venture? Oops..steal from the taxpayers and destroy the schools. Disgusting. How much longer for White? When is enough enough?

  1. Ellen Lubic permalink

    Thanks Mercedes…the sarcasm is great. I am sending this to all the young parents I know, and to all the teachers, and policy wonks, and lawyers, with my own notes and predictions of the damage that will surely emerge from this new scam.

    Projecting out, of course they will publish Social Security numbers, and then health info, and all the private grades and notes that used to be culled from “cum” cards and are now online. How destructive are these merchants of greed.

    So glad to have met you on Diane’s blog. I use your info almost daily and your ‘creds’ as an educational statistician combined with your valuable insights as a teacher have actually gotten folks attention. I am directing them to your blog to read it all for themselves.

    Happy Mother’s Day.

    • Thanks, Ellen. Happy to be a help and to bust this privatization ring.

      Happy Mother’s Day to you, as well.


  2. Reblogged this on Crazy Crawfish's Blog and commented:
    Looks like our student data was abused even faster than I anticipated. So much for our data being safe in that data “garage” John White likes to tout. I especially like the Craigslist recruited recruiters going door to door asking children for their SSN numbers. What moron thought that was a good idea? How long before identity thieves and sexual predators start mimicking this practice, assuming those aren’t the types of employees these course choice providers aren’t recruiting in the first place.

  3. Bryan Alleman permalink

    Parents should start taking note of any snail mail advertisements for course choice, charters, and the like (since they have student addresses) and, of course, continue to note any advertisements via email inbox. With all of the talk of innovation, corporate reformers still are using the same ad technique: bombard everyone, anyone, with more advertisements than they want or need to make a buck.

  4. it sounds like some students were sgined up without any consent. . . shouldn’t someone be filing a fraud case right about now?

  5. M, PLEASE drop me a line, I was directed to your blog by a friend we have in common 🙂 I realized I had already read it!! PLEASE contact me via I would LOVE to talk!

  6. Thanks for your blog!! Is there anyone doing the same kind of work for the SBAC consortium?

    • Hi, Mila. Not sure if anyone is writing about SBAC.
      I did write about SB and Pearson in my AACTE post.

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  1. Louisiana Believes Course Choice Providers Should Defraud the State | Crazy Crawfish's Blog
  2. Sen. Appel’s SB449 and ALEC Model Legislation | Stephanie Griffith Beard's Blog -
  3. DeVos Rebukes State Chiefs for “Bare Minimum” ESSA Plans | deutsch29

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