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Campbell Brown’s Selective Indignation with Sexual Misconduct in Schools

January 10, 2015

In April 2014, anti-union “activist” Campbell Brown was honored at anti-union, New York charter queen Eva Moskowitz’s Success Academy Spring Benefit. Her 12-minute talk can be viewed here:

At the event, Brown spoke about “the issue that took her from being a supporter of this [charter school] cause to an activist in the fight.” She then states that it was her reading an article in the New York Daily News “a couple of years ago” involving “fourteen teachers who had been found guilty of sexual misconduct with kids, and they had kept their jobs.” Brown says the she “was so horrified by this.”

Brown says that the above is made possible “by this crazy law supported by the teachers union.”

Now, here is where Brown’s indignation hits a snag.

First of all, the “crazy law” is called Section 3020a. Section 3020a is referenced in the United Federation of Teachers (UFT) 2007-09 contract, as taken from this August 2012 Washington Post Answer Sheet piece:

A tenured pedagogue who has been charged under the criminal law or under §3020-a of the New York State Education Law with an act or acts constituting sexual misconduct (defined below) shall be suspended without pay upon a finding by a hearing officer of probable cause that sexual misconduct was committed.


In §3020-a proceedings, a mandatory penalty of discharge shall apply to any tenured pedagogue a) found by a hearing officer to have engaged in sexual misconduct, or b) who has pleaded guilty to or been found guilty of criminal charges for such conduct.


For purposes of this section, sexual misconduct shall include the following conduct involving a student or a minor who is not a student: sexual touching, serious or repeated verbal abuse (as defined in Chancellor’s Regulations) of a sexual nature, action that could reasonably be interpreted as soliciting a sexual relationship, possession or use of illegal child pornography, and/or actions that would constitute criminal conduct under Article 130 of the Penal Law against a student or minor who is not a student. 

“The union” is not protecting “guilty” sexual predators. Moreover, it was Bloomberg-appointed, former New York City Chancellor Joel Klein who agreed to the terms of the contract.

Klein happened to be in the April 2014 audience when Brown was speaking.

In her speech, Brown stops short of stating that this “crazy law supported by the teachers union” was also supported by her ally-in-privatization, Joel Klein.

A snag necessary to ignore.

Calling out the people on “your side” for contributing to the dastardly missteps of “the union” simply will not do.


There is an even bigger snag in Brown’s indignation towards those “found guilty of sexual misconduct.” Traveling that path involves briefly considering the coziness of some of those in attendance at this Brown-honoring moment.

In addition to acknowledging Klein at the opening of her talk, Brown also acknowledges hedge funder and fellow Success Academies board member Daniel Loeb, and Moskowitz, and her (Brown’s) husband, hedge funder Dan Senor, all of whom sit with StudentsFirst founder Michelle Rhee on the StudentsFirst board.

Michelle Rhee is married to Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson.

Johnson tried four times to increase his own authority as mayor of Sacramento. Four times, the attempt known as Measure L was defeated.

Johnson was seeking signature corporate-reform-model “mayoral control,” and Sacramento wasn’t having it, as the November 2014 Sacramento Bee reports:

Measure L would have allowed the mayor to appoint and fire the city manager, essentially transferring the day-to-day decision making at City Hall from the city manager to the mayor’s office. Opponents argued it would place too much power in the hands of one elected official.

A key ingredient in prompting the public into allowing a single individual that coveted, privatizing-reform ueber-power: Johnson had no crisis moment on which to capitalize. Sacramento voters were just not desperate enough to turn control over to a single power-centralizing someone to “save” them:

Johnson said he thinks Measure L failed in part because of recent success stories in the city. The mayor presided over a groundbreaking of a new downtown NBA arena just last week, the city budget had a surplus this year and the employment rate has fallen sharply.

“It’s hard to make this kind of change without a crisis,” he said of the strong-mayor plan.

If only things had been worse in Sacramento. If only there had been a good crisis, Johnson could have vacuumed up power as The Strong Mayor.

Of course, the crisis could not be connected to Johnson himself.

But in 2009, it was– and it was covered up.

In 2009, Johnson dodged prosecution for sexual misconduct charges and misspending federal grant money, both associated with Johnson’s St. HOPE charter school in Sacramento. Based on congressional investigation findings detailed in a 61-page, Grassley-Issa report, it seems that Johnson was allowed to escape consequences for his actions because of privileged connections to President Obama.

His wife Michelle Rhee, who was once supposed to sweep away the “bad teachers” in DC, also worked on behalf of a Johnson cover-up:

The Grassley-Issa report says that agents of the inspector’s general office who investigated the St. HOPE sex-abuse charges “immediately recognized what appeared to be improper handling of this allegation . . . and unethical conduct by Mr. Johnson’s attorney,” Kevin Hiestand, who was also the mayor’s business partner. The report also implicates D.C. Schools Chancellor Michelle Rhee who one witness said acted as “fixer” for the St. HOPE program. 

From the Grassley-Issa report, as cited on the American Spectator blog:

While in Sacramento [investigating Johnson’s misspending of federal  money], Agents Wingers and Morales became aware of allegations of inappropriate contact between Johnson and three female St. HOPE students. Mr. Johnson’s attorney, Kevin Hiestand, approached at least one of the students describing himself only as “a friend of Johnson’s,” and “basically asked me to keep quiet.”

According to her interview with OIG investigators, about one week later, Kevin Johnson offered her $1,000 a month until the end of the program, which she refused to accept. Moreover, the OIG uncovered evidence of two other female St. HOPE students reporting Johnson for inappropriate sexual conduct towards them. . . .

Hiestand acted to intercept formal reporting of the incidents, even interviewing students under false pretenses and telling a teacher to change her story:

Hiestand conducted his investigation of the allegations under the guise of serving as the school’s Title IX officer. . . . Hiestand interviewed the victims and witnesses, including a teacher who had heard of the allegations. According to the teacher, “Hiestand told me he had met with [one of the victims] and that she had told a different story and that I should change my story to fit the one they had been told.”

According to the November 20, 2009, Los Angeles Times, Johnson’s wife, Michelle Rhee, did speak to Inspector General Gerald Walpin on Johnson’s behalf. However, Walpin still filed a criminal referral with the DA on Johnson.

Johnson was never prosecuted, and Walpin was fired.

The above was not even Johnson’s first sexual incident with a minor. There’s a 1995 incident involving Johnson’s admitting in a recorded conversation being naked and in the shower with a minor.

I have yet to hear Brown be “horrified” over any of this.

Johnson belongs to a different kind of “union,” one reserved for the wealthy and privileged, and one that Brown cannot expect to speak against since she herself is an honored member.


Schneider is a southern Louisiana native, career teacher, trained researcher, and author of the ed reform whistle blower, A Chronicle of Echoes: Who’s Who In the Implosion of American Public Education

previti chronicle pic

  1. patrickwalsh permalink

    Brown is even more selective than you think, Mercedes. Please read the following and know that there were many illegal such “appointments” in NYC schools under Bloomberg.

    The Conspicuous Silence of Campbell Brown

  2. Wow! With this post, I think you just hit a home run with the bases loaded.

  3. Reblogged this on Lloyd Lofthouse and commented:
    Corporate Education reformer Campbell Brown ignores cover up of sexual misconduct in corporate Charters while lying about the alleged sexual misconduct in NY public schools. I suggest you click on the link and read the entire post at deutsch29.

  4. They all use this inflammatory emotionally charged subject to incite reactions then use allusions to laws and exposition without the thoughtful links you can count on here and at most educators blogs, even mine , which are sloppy intuitive messes that mirror the madness of the morons in charge . It soeaks ti how arrogant and I’ll informed reformers are . They know nothing about school operations in urban districts that are complex , structured in ways that conspire against economy and efficiency as education starves because it is infested with parasites. These hook and tape worms are greedy and voracious , like aa dope Feind they will do whatever it takes to get more . They believe their own lies , I fear,and that often makes them ring true to others especially if framed in a topic that provokes rage, fear and a connection with the shill spewing this rhetorical web . Easy to do with someone to front the scam who is pretty vapid .

    You kick her ass. Good job.

  5. Phone typing . Sorry

  6. Jan Kasal permalink

    Great report. Whenever I read your posts I keep thinking NY would need a “statistician” of your character. Happy new year.

  7. Hey Brown, if you want charters to be put in “every public school” then why aren’t you pushing for charter schools run by teachers if you TRULY want change. In Philadelphia principals are unionized and for many years for tenure AFTER THEIR FIRST DAY. This woman tries to use scare tactics against teachers. It’s teachers that usually are protecting children being abused by other students or parents when administrators are too spineless to remove them. Why is it, Campbell, that every public school teacher that gets fired (even those with tenure can and do get fired) has been snatched up by charter schools? You’re badmouthing public schools and then hiring those teachers who can’t cut it in public schools? The secret agenda of the charter industry is to shut down enough public schools to make public school teacher desperate enough to work at charters. There is a high turnover rate at charters due to their draconian work rules and low wages..The charterbaggers want to flood the market place with former public school teachers to make up for the charter teachers who are constantly jumping ship. They will leave a few public schools for the problem students that they screen out of the charters or “advise to leave”. Funny how Campell Brown never talks about the rampant corruption that is taking place in the charter school industry, the high CEO wages, the profits being made from the “non-profit” industry, the nepotism in charter school administration and the misuse of taxpayer funds.

  8. Student First has scrubbed their website – no mention of Dan Señor, Campbell’s husband or the infamous Joel Klein and others such as Hedge Fund supreme charter profiteer, Dan Loeb.

  9. Thanks so much for this excellent report, Mercedes!

    I had not known about the hush money offered to at least one of Johnson’s victims. I’d always wondered why Rhee’s victims remained silent, such as the co-teacher she conveniently never mentions when she describes her alleged “success” in TFA. I bet this is a pattern and that, once again, investigators should follow the money…

  10. Jack Covey permalink

    Does Ms. Brown ever address the sky-high attrition rates at the Success Academies. They start with 76 kids and three years later have 26… What happened to the other 50? Is this the “success” that Ms. Brown wants the traditional public schools to copy?

  11. Jack Covey permalink

    Below is an example of how someone —NYC UFT President Michael Mulgrew—handles being confronted by Ms. Brown. In this case, she poses a query with a premise full of bald-faced lies and exaggerations about sexual impropriety among NYC public school teachers and alleged outcomes of investigations into sexual impropriety.

    (And yes, Browns’ numbers and specific claims are bogus. South Bronx Teacher, and others have definitively debunked them elsewhere on the net.

    Yeah, yeah, Campbell again slanders and lies again about unions and unionized teachers… big shock, I know.)

    In response, Mulgrew admirably keeps his cool, corrects the specious presuppositions contained in her question, then basically puts Campbell in her place.

    NOTE: I am not a big fan of Mulgrew in the least—i.e. the recent lousy contract he helped negotiate; his throwing ATR’s under the bus: his publicly threatening (at last summer’s AFT Convention) to “punch in the face” any NYC teachers who oppose Common Core (WTF???!!!) I would prefer Julie Cavanaugh in charge there—and also Warren Fletcher here in L.A.—but we have to respect the will of the membership in the outcome of both of these elections, and get behind our leaders. At the same time, we should also correct them and provide them with challenging input if and when it’s warranted. (I hope that’s carefully worded and balanced enough for everyone out there 😉 )

    That said, I have to give Mulgrew his props for his handling of Ms. Brown’s demagoguery in this instance.

  12. Jack Covey permalink

    I’m moving over Dave McKenna’s article about Rhee’s blocking investigations of her husband, Sacramento mayor Kevin Johnson’s molestation of teenage girls:

    Since the Huffington Post—and so many others—won’t touch this story, I’m reprinting it in its entirety (sorry for the length…. skip it if you’re not interested)


    “The Man Who Helped Bring Down Donald Sterling Is An Asshole, Too”

    by Dave McKenna

    5/15/14 4:11pm

    “If you were watching closely, you might’ve seen Kevin Johnson, the former NBA guard who’s now mayor of Sacramento, sitting courtside at Staples Center during Game 4 of the Clippers-Thunder series. His arm was around his wife, Michelle Rhee, and the two seemed to preside over the action, conspicuous by design—their very presence in the fancy seats a further rebuke to the man whom Johnson had recently helped to oust from the NBA, Clippers owner Donald Sterling.

    “Johnson and Rhee seem to be everywhere these days. There was a joint appearance at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner. There was another at the Kentucky Derby. And of course before either of those was Johnson’s cameo in the Sterling saga. Called in as an unofficial representative of the players, Johnson lobbied NBA commissioner Adam Silver to come down hard on Sterling. After the announcement of Sterling’s lifetime ban and $2.5 million fine, The New York Times’s Harvey Araton wrote:

    ” ‘ [I]t is apparent that the league’s response was shaped as much by the influence of a player turned politician who has no official affiliation with the NBA as it was by Silver’s conviction.’

    “It was a bitterly funny turn of events for some longtime Johnson observers, who remember when he was the guy making repulsive admissions on tape while speaking with a much younger female with whom he never should’ve been involved. At the very least, they believe Johnson—with an assist from Rhee—earned a lifetime ban from the moral high ground many years ago.

    ” ‘All I can say is the factually supported charges against Johnson certainly bring into question holding him out to be a moral compass,’ says New York attorney Gerald Walpin.

    “From 2007 to 2009, Walpin was inspector general for the Corporation for National Community Service. That’s the federal agency that oversees AmeriCorps. On that job, Walpin investigated St. HOPE Academy, a group Johnson founded to run charter schools in his hometown of Sacramento that got lots of AmeriCorps money.

    “In 2008, Walpin issued a referral to the local U.S. Attorney for the ‘criminal and civil prosecution’ of Johnson for ‘obtaining by law federal funds under a grant,’ and the “filing of false and fraudulent claims’ in connection with subsidies totaling $845,018.75. The allegations included lots of bogus accounting. People on AmeriCorps’s dime as St. HOPE tutors, according to a joint report on Walpin’s investigation issued by Congressional Republicans, were being asked to ‘wash his car [and] run personal errands’ for Johnson.

    “But the seamiest stuff in those files, and there’s a lot of it, comes when investigators take a break from possible fiscal malfeasance to accuse Johnson of physical misdeeds. According to the oversight committee’s report, Walpin included allegations of ‘inappropriate sexual conduct’ against Johnson in his criminal referral to the U.S. attorney’s office because they could ‘seriously impact … both the security of young [AmeriCorps] Members placed in the care of grantees and … the ability of AmeriCorps to continue to attract volunteers.’ Johnson’s past, as outlined by the committee, also includes alleged hush-money payments to make all this bad news go away. Judging by the non-mention in The New York Times’s opus, it largely has gone away.

    “According to the reports, while investigators were in Sacramento looking into the misuse of funds, they ‘became aware of allegations of inappropriate contact between Johnson and three female St. HOPE students.’ Walpin’s office later ‘uncovered evidence of two other female St. HOPE students reporting Johnson for inappropriate sexual conduct towards them.’

    “Walpin’s team also was told of various efforts by Johnson and his allies to stonewall the investigations, including one alleged victim who’d said Johnson ‘offered her $1,000 a month,’ ostensibly in exchange for her silence.

    “No alleged victims’ names were given. However, Walpin’s referral to the U.S. Attorney does name two St. HOPE staffers who left their jobs to protest the school’s handling of the sexual misconduct allegations. St. HOPE teacher Erik Jones was said to have gone to school officials when a girl told him Johnson had approached her on campus and ‘started massaging her shoulders and then reached over and touched her breasts.’

    “The report says Kevin Hiestand, who identified himself only as counsel for St. HOPE, contacted Jones, and advised Jones that he had also spoken with the accuser and that the teacher’s description didn’t jibe with her account. Jones later found out that Kevin Hiestand, along with his father Fred Hiestand, also served as Johnson’s personal attorneys. Jones quit the school in protest, and in his resignation letter wrote, “St. HOPE sought to intimidate the student through an illegal interrogation and even had the audacity to ask me to change my story.” When Johnson began his run for mayor of Sacramento in 2008, Jones reportedly put up a banner in his front yard:

    ” ‘No Perverts for Mayor.’

    “According to Walpin’s report, Jacqueline Wong-Hernandez was the other St. HOPE staffer to leave the school in disgust after Johnson went unpunished. Wong-Hernandez reported allegations of sexual misconduct against Johnson to St. HOPE administrators, and got a visit from board member Michelle Rhee. (Rhee would later serve as the D.C. public schools czar and for a time was viewed as a savior of a broken education system by everybody except those who had ever actually dealt with her. She told Marie Claire magazine that Johnson didn’t ask her out until after she’d quit the board and taken the D.C. job.) Wong-Hernandez later learned that one of the alleged victims she’d mentioned to Rhee had been contacted by Kevin Hiestand.

    “Reached at her current job with the appropriations committee of the California State Senate, Wong-Hernandez confirms that she did in fact leave St. HOPE in protest. She, too, is surprised to see Johnson tossing his two cents into the Sterling saga. “I have been avoiding that story because of [Johnson’s involvement],” Wong-Hernandez says.

    “Rhee also got a personal meeting with Walpin, in which she requested that the IG call the dogs off Johnson. ‘She tried to talk me out of proceeding,’ Walpin says. ‘I took it as simply a non-substantive attempt to help a friend.’

    “Walpin says Rhee’s request had no impact. Yet the feds’ look-see into Johnson’s operation was ultimately overwhelmed in 2009 by a partisan brouhaha between Congressional Republicans and the then-fledgling Obama administration: Walpin was a George W. Bush appointee and is a member of the conservative Federalist Society; Johnson was a rising Democrat who’d proclaimed on the Colbert Report that he was so tight with the newly elected president that his nickname was ‘Little Barack.’

    “Johnson was never formally charged with any crimes relating to Walpin’s investigation. He was, however, suspended from receiving U.S. government grants, which caused problems beyond St. HOPE since he was mayor of Sacramento. To be removed from the no-grant list, Johnson and his organization agreed to repay hundreds of thousands of misused federal dollars.

    “The Man Who Helped Bring Down Donald Sterling Is An Asshole, Too

    “Walpin says he made enemies in the new administration, and ultimately lost the IG job, because he said at the time that the settlement offers to Johnson were too lenient. The Congressional report on the IG’s investigation, issued by GOP hardliners Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) and Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), blasts the Justice Department for making that deal, and in doing so touched on an older, even more sordid chapter from Johnson’s past. The Issa/Grassley report asserts that the settlement with the St. HOPE founder “ignored Kevin Johnson’s willingness to personally pay to resolve civil matters.”

    ” ‘In 1997,’ the report states, ‘Johnson agreed to pay $230,000 to resolve claims brought by a Phoenix teenager who alleged Johnson molested her.’

    “The story of that payment, which goes otherwise unexplained in the Issa/Grassley report, is described at length in an amazing Phoenix New Times story about a series of alleged molestations committed by Johnson in 1995. The accuser, according to this story, initially met Johnson when she was 15, while both were filming a gun-violence public service commercial starring the Suns guard. That encounter led to a summerlong courtship; the girl’s mother told police Johnson would call almost daily, and the New Times article says he showered her with presents ‘including bookstore gift certificates, a flute, a Swiss Army knife with his jersey number, ‘7,’ engraved on it … [and] introduced her to great works of literature, including 100 YEARS OF SOLITUDE and I, CLAUDIUS.’

    “In return, according to the story, the girl allowed Johnson to shower with her, get in the Jacuzzi with her, and lie naked in bed with her. After the relationship ended, the girl confided in her therapist. As required by law, the doc went to the authorities. However, the therapist told police and the New Times that she did not go to the police until after she’d confronted Johnson about his relationship with her patient.

    “At that point, she told the paper, she ‘knew that there had been sexual contact.’

    “In a letter written to Johnson by the accuser’s lawyer and later scrutinized by the New Times, the accuser recounts their first improper encounter, which happened during a visit to Johnson’s house.

    – – – – – – – – –

    UNDERAGED GIRL / ACCUSER: “He said I could sleep in his room or the guesthouse and I chose the guesthouse. … We got into the bed and he took all of my clothes off and all of his but his shirt. He was on top of me touching me all over—my breasts, butt, in between my legs, and stomach. Then he took off his shirt. I didn’t really know what to do—I was very confused because I thought we were friends, but I didn’t know what else to do than to go along with it.”

    – – – – – – – – – –
    After one of the trysts, she told her lawyer, Johnson made her ‘pinky promise not to say anything.’

    ” ‘When I asked why,’ she said, ‘he said I knew why.’

    “In July 1996, according to the New Times story, Phoenix police recorded an ‘ambush’ phone call that the alleged victim made to Johnson in an effort to draw him out about their encounters. By then the accuser’s therapist had contacted Johnson, the police report said, and perhaps even tipped him off that legal authorities were on the case. The story included a partial transcript of that call that the paper obtained from the cops, and in it Johnson comes off as guarded.

    “He opens up the conversation telling the then-17-year-old:


    KEVIN JOHNSON: “I miss you bad. I don’t like not being able to talk to you.”

    “Here’s a portion in which the girl is trying without much success to get Johnson to admit that what they did during one tryst was more than ‘hug.’


    UNDERAGED GIRL: “Well, I was naked and you were naked, and it wasn’t a hug.”

    KEVIN JOHNSON: “Well, I felt that it was, you know, a hug, and you know, I didn’t, to be honest, remember if we were both naked at that time. That is the night at the guesthouse?”

    UNDERAGED GIRL: “Yeah. … Why would I be upset if it was just a hug?”

    KEVIN JOHNSON.: “Well, I said the hug was more intimate than it should have been. But I don’t believe I touched your private parts in those areas. And you did feel bad the next day and that’s why we talked about it.”

    UNDERAGED GIRL: “Well, if it was just a hug, why were either one of us naked?”

    KEVIN JOHNSON: “Again, I didn’t recall us being a hundred percent naked.”

    “Local prosecutors didn’t hear anything in the call to convince them that criminal charges against Johnson were warranted.

    “Johnson’s attorney, Fred Hiestand, told New Times that the girl’s story was false:

    ” ‘I can say that [Johnson is] a healthy, red-blooded, American male, and he hopes to find the right wife and settle down,’ Hiestand told the paper. ‘There are lots of women who are [adults] who are sending him their photos, tape recordings and letters. … If he was interested in any kind of sexual action, he had a lot more attractive offers than [the accuser].’

    “The New Times story said that Kevin Turley, a Phoenix attorney representing the alleged victim, had contacted Johnson before the story was published and demanded $750,000 from the NBA star to keep his client from filing a lawsuit for ‘sexual assault and battery.’ No such suit was ever filed. The Sacramento Bee reported in 2008 that Johnson had paid her $230,000 to make those allegations go away, a figure repeated in Walpin’s reports. Turley, contacted at his Phoenix offices, hung up without responding when asked if the numbers were accurate.

    “Fred Hiestand, contacted at his law office in Sacramento, referred all inquiries about Johnson to the mayor’s staff. In response to several questions about the fiscal and sexual allegations made against Johnson, the mayor’s press secretary, Ben Sosenko, issued the following statement:

    BEN SOSENKO, Johnson’s Press Secretary:

    “While appreciating that those who are in the news generate click-throughs, the Inspector General’s report is really old news from 2009 that had no merit then as confirmed by the fact that the book on the matter was closed a long time ago by both local and federal officials, including the US Attorney who independently concluded that the report was misleading.”

    “Sosenko’s statement, through all its statementishness, holds some truths. Given the way Silver leaned so heavily on Johnson during the NBA’s crisis with Donald Sterling, all the nasty things alleged in the Congressional and New Times investigations must have seemed like ‘really old news’ to the commissioner.

    “In any case, Silver was prevailed upon to bring down the hammer on Sterling, and Johnson enjoyed his ‘turn on the national stage,’ and the owner was left wondering what he could’ve done differently. ‘I wish,’ Sterling told an L.A. lifestyle magazine, arriving at a lesson his antagonist seemingly learned decades ago, ‘I had just paid her off.’ “

  13. With all of this, I think there will really be a different outcome in New York to an anti-tenure trial. By the way, in 36 years of teaching, I encountered only two co-workers who were charged with sexual misconduct and BOTH WERE FIRED.

    • In my thirty years of teaching, I remember three teachers in the same district who were accused of sexual misconduct.

      One teacher, who only wrote a love letter to one of his students and had no actual physical sexual contact with her, quit in shame. When the student got the letter from the teacher, she turned it over to administration but said he had not asked her out and she had no physical, sexual contact with the him. He was a very popular science teacher and this upset hundreds of students. The girl ended up transferring to another high school, because of the student anger that was then focused on her. The girl was over 18 and was a senior at the time.

      The other two teachers were suspended without pay while they were in court and both verdicts found them innocent. In one case, the two female witnesses eventually revealed they had lied to get even with the teacher over a poor grade they had earned in his class.

      The second case, for a teacher who was alleged to have had sex with one female student years earlier, was tossed out of court because the evidence came from the female student, who had graduated and was in college at the time. She came from an abusive family environment and in college was seeing a therapist, who hypnotized her and under hypnosis the young woman said she had been sexually active with the accused teacher when she was one of his high school students—-this was several years after the alleged event took place. Because the only evidence came from hypnosis and there were no other witnesses, the district lost the case in court.

      Only after the trial found both teachers innocent, were they allowed to return to the classroom and teach. In addition, they were paid their back pay for the time they were suspended without pay.

      The union, RTA-CTA-NEA, did not provide any legal support during the trial. The teachers had to pay their own way but after they were found innocent in court, the unions stepped up and demanded that the district cover all legal costs. Otherwise, the teachers, who were found innocent in court, would have been financially devastated.

Trackbacks & Pingbacks

  1. Mercedes Schneider Has Some Questions for Campbell Brown | Diane Ravitch's blog
  2. 100-200 Students Walk Out at Sacramento High School, Run by Michelle Rhee | deutsch29

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