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My Blog Is Three Years Old Today :)

January 25, 2016

I started this blog three years ago today, on January 25, 2013.

I thought I’d write a brief, celebratory post.

But first of all, a bit of financial disclosure is in order:

Here is a comprehensive listing of all of the billionaire-financed, education nonprofits ponying up that luscious, public-ed-annihilating dough to fund my blog:

blank paper

Add to that the comprehensive listing of my alleged, ample union funding for this blog:

blank paper

(Wait, Schneider. Is that the same picture…?)

And now, for some stats:

  • Including this post, over the past three years, I have published 732 posts.
  • Total page views to date: approx. 1,215,000.
  • Total page views in the past year: approx. 535,000.

Here are my top five post for the past year:

  1. New York Algebra Teacher Writes Parents about the “Serious Disservice” of CC Tests; 11,614 views
  2. 2014-15 Alabama Teacher of the Year Abruptly Resigns; 9,041 views
  3. Ann Marie Corgill Says Goodbye to Her Students; 6,735 views
  4. For Louisiana Parents Considering Opting Out; 6,540 views
  5. The Powerful, Enforced Silence Around Standardized Testing; 5,981 views

And here are my top five posts of all time:

  1. A Brief Audit of Bill Gates’ Common Core Spending; 23,482 views
  2. Those 24 Common Core 2009 Work Group Members; 14,755 views
  3. Steve Perry’s Dissertation: Heavy on Lit Review, Slight on Scholarship; 13,988 views
  4. PARCC Is Down to DC Plus Ten States, and Louisiana Isn’t One of Them; 13,225 views
  5. Beware of “Everyday Mathematics”; 12,117 views

And my “about” page has made a pretty good show of it, as well:

About Mercedes Schneider; 14,615 views total; 3,505 of those this year.

So, it has been a swell year, and I thank my readers for it.
And thank you, also, for taking this moment to celebrate with me.

three candles


Schneider is a southern Louisiana native, career teacher, trained researcher, and author of the ed reform whistle blower, A Chronicle of Echoes: Who’s Who In the Implosion of American Public Education.

She also has a second book, Common Core Dilemma: Who Owns Our Schools?.

both books

Don’t care to buy from Amazon? Purchase my books from Powell’s City of Books instead.

  1. Janna permalink

    Congrats! The check is in the mail. (Sorry, I had to say it.) I am so proud of your accomplishments and cannot wait for book #3.

  2. Mercedes,
    Congratulations on the milestone! Please know that it’s only Diane Ravitch’s and your blog that I have coming to my email inbox and that I read everyday.
    I can’t count the number of times I quote you each week! Congrats.
    John Craven

  3. Congratulations!! I wish I had lots of gold to send you!! You are surely worth all the gold that we used to have in Fort Knox.

  4. Congratulations and many, many thanks!

  5. Beyond frustrated permalink

    Congrats. Waiting for your 3rd book. You give methodical a bad name!

  6. You are a good one- thank you. I recommend your blog to many! – Maestra Malinche

  7. congratulations. I admire your courage, hard work, diligence, and skill. Please find the strength to continue to work for our children and our well being.

  8. Thank you for your excellent research and advocacy, Mercedes. You are an inspiration!

  9. Harlan Underhill permalink

    We do, we do. I don’t know of ANY other education blog that comes even close to yours when you tackle a topic. You give us something close to “reality” rather than ‘opinion.’

  10. Will Fitzhugh permalink

    Good for you, and thanks for all your hard work!

    Will Fitzhugh

    Sent from my iPad


  11. mercat45 permalink

    Congratulations! And I echo some all of the previous comments: Thank you and please continue your important work!!

  12. Peter permalink

    Congratulations! Your work has been invaluable!

  13. Hamilton Boone permalink


    Sent from my iPhone


  14. Hannah permalink

    Congrats! Your work never ceases to amaze… or ceases for that matter! Well done!

  15. Laura H. Chapman permalink

    And the amazing part of this accomplishment is that you are teaching full time and have published two books with a third in the works… and are among the few bloggers with the know-how to demystify the statistical games being played with test scores, including those clever inferences about days and weeks of learning gained (or not). Keep on making history, but also protect yourself against burn-out.

    • And that comment is coming from one of the brightest, most astute commentator on education these days. Among Mercedes, Diane, Peg Robertson and Laura one can learn pretty much what one needs to know about public education. Thanks to all!

  16. LA Educator permalink

    Congratulations & THANKS!!

  17. We are ahead of the game in winning this battle against the destruction of our public schools thanks to your contributions and those to so many others who care enough to share the truth. There should be a Pulitzer for blogs! One day this story of the greatest hoax in America will play on the silver screen. Who would you choose to play you? Instead of sex in the city, ed in the city! The possibilities are endless!

  18. Christine Langhoff permalink

    Mercedes, you ROCK! @Geauxteacher – I think Susan Sarandon ought to play Mercedes in the movie!

  19. Felicitaciones, Mercedes.

  20. Bravo!!!

  21. Barry Wilson permalink

    Commendable work and great service to public education. Thank you, Mercedes!

  22. You have been speaking truth to power for three years. Wow!
    I look forward to having you continue and continue and…
    Once there is a small crack in the money egg of education deformers, it is only a matter of time before the egg is fried. Keep whacking away!

  23. I was speaking to some colleagues a few years back and someone said, “You’ve been reading a lot of Diane Ravitch”. I’d never heard of Diane and said so. Then I checked out her blog and saw the point:

    Diane Ravitch had (has) her finger directly on the pulse of what I had been feeling, hearing, and seeing, everyday, in my classroom, school, and professional developments/training sessions/curriculum fairs, for years. AND she was coming from a place of extreme authority. She knows her stuff.

    I didn’t need to hear it from her. It was plain as the nose on your face, from everything I was observing. But it was such a relief and so empowering to get backup of that magnitude.

    Then, through the posts on her blog, I found you, Mercedes. Exactly the same insights and more from a teacher in a school system taken over by the power elite after total devastation.

    Truth to power is right, Ken.

    I looked at your top posts, above, and saw the one on Everyday Math. I’m sorry I wasn’t reading your posts at that time. I witnessed the preview to it’s invasion and suffered the repercussions once it was rammed down all of our throats, here in NYC. I put down a comment tonight, anyway…just ‘cuz I can and for posterity’s sake. It’s important that people hear the voices of those who were directly involved.

    Thanks so much, Mercedes. I can’t tell you how much you, Diane, and so many others on these posts have meant to me, as a person and a teacher.

  24. Eric Brandon permalink

    Thank you so much for your hard work defending public schools. I do think that you should seriously consider running for office. We need more political leaders who actually support public education.

Trackbacks & Pingbacks

  1. Congratulations, Mercedes, on the Third Birthday of Your Blog! | Diane Ravitch's blog
  2. Ed News, Tuesday, January 26, 2016 Edition | tigersteach

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