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J. Crew Offers a “Teach for America Collection”

September 22, 2016

No kidding. J. Crew is fundraising for Teach for America (TFA) by selling TFA apparel:


Join us for the launch of J. Crew’s 2016 Teach For America Collection! To celebrate the launch, you will receive 15% off all purchases made during the event. In addition, J. Crew will donate 15% of your total purchase to Teach For America – Metro Atlanta! Come mingle, shop, and enjoy light refreshments with your Teach For America community. Friends and family are more than welcome; the more the merrier!

We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday, September 27th from 6:00-8:00 pm at the J. Crew at Lenox Mall!

People will buy these clothes and actually think that money is being donated to public education.

TFA is a teacher temp agency; its recruitment is in decline. The Meridian Star (Mississippi) reports on September 22, 2016, that TFA is charging districts more for TFA recruits.

TFA CEO Elisa Villanueva Beard blames the economy for improving too much, which says little for her reasoning as to why college grads join TFA: in a poorer economy, college grads are desperate.

Good thing that TFA thought to charge districts a higher fee for its fly-by-night-trained teachers.

And, of course, J. Crew is here to help combat the downside of that stronger economy.

Tongue in cheek, folks. Tongue in cheek.


Released July 2016– Book Three:

School Choice: The End of Public Education? 

school choice cover  (Click image to enlarge)

Schneider is a southern Louisiana native, career teacher, trained researcher, and author of both A Chronicle of Echoes: Who’s Who In the Implosion of American Public Education and Common Core Dilemma: Who Owns Our Schools?.

both books

Don’t care to buy from Amazon? Purchase my books from Powell’s City of Books instead.

From → TFA

  1. Christine Langhoff permalink

    My daughter and I walked out of a J. Crew store in Georgetown at Christmas 2 years ago where they were selling TFA t-shirts. My kid did me proud when she told the cashier that she wasn’t going to spend her money at a store in cahoots with an organization to undermine real teachers, like both of her parents.

  2. jcc2750 permalink

    Sent an email to the company in protest of their support of TFA. How insulting to us all for them to support those who think anyone can teach, or think they are special because they teach for a few years before they go on to their “real” profession.

  3. DanG permalink

    Pathetic! Perhaps I should trot out my vast collection of cheap canvas tote bags, logoed can coolers, and branded sticky notes which I have received over the years for my participation in countless, insipid inservices (code for “sales pitch”) and have a yard sale!

  4. LA Educator permalink

    JC Penney was promoting donations to TFA to customers several years back – as if it was a charity organization. I think that they got the message & stopped doing it.

  5. Laura H. Chapman permalink

    TFA has a dating app. I kid you not. And it is inclusive. See below.
    The marketing of the TFA brand will probably continue.

    By the way, the Wall Street Journal front page and page A12 today offers a report on the this franchise. charter schools and the London-based legal team showing up across the country to expose some of their dubious arrangements. The WSJ is pro charter. The reporters fail to expose the underbelly of self-dealing known to be present in more than one of the Gulen franchise schools.

  6. another reason to boycott j. crew

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